Overcome Emotional Overeating

Do you find yourself reaching for a snack whenever you feel: bored, stressed, angry, sad or just need to fill in some time? Emotional eating is one of the major reasons people struggle to maintain a healthy weight. Fact is, most of us were taught to overeat, eat to please others or simply to eat when we needed comfort at a very early age. We no longer wait for our stomach to let us know it’s time to eat, we just eat. Eating is so much a part of our society. If you know you eat when you are already full, maybe its time to start listening to the signals your body is sending you and change your eating habits.

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eat healthy small meals to make big changes in your health

Just Make A Decision

How many opportunities have you let slip by because you couldn’t just make a decision? Life is about taking a chance. Nothing is guaranteed and if we don’t take a risk or two, learn to trust our gut and make quick decisions we will find life begins to pass us by. Practice making decisions quickly daily with small choices, then progress to larger ones. Always do your due diligence when appropriate.

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Make decisions quickly

Suicide Warning Signs

Depression, anxiety and mental health challenges are the silent killers in our cities. Who would imagine that 65,000 of our fellow citizens would feel that life was so bad they would seriously contemplate suicide. What does that say about us as a society? Never before have we been so connected and yet so lonely and isolated. The internet and social media has brought people – ‘friends’ into our lounges, our bedrooms … into our lives. However, instead of making us feel closer, all it does is emphasise how different we all are. This difference is altering the way we look at ourselves. And the more we look ‘at others,’ the more dis-satisfied we become with ourselves and our lives. Suicide is a major problem. Look our for your mates, your family, your work colleagues. Most of us are going to know (or already do know) someone who has decided it is all too much and take their own life. This is never okay. Speak up. Please ask for help if you feel down, lonely, or overwhelmed.

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Speak up and be heard

I Can’t Think

Have you ever been so shocked, so overwhelmed or so afraid that your brain freezes! You can’t think! You mind seems addled, and even the simplest task or question confuses you! You are not alone! It is the ‘job’ of our Unconscious Mind to keep us safe! When we are faced with something so horrible, or so confusing that we cannot rationalise, our conscious mind (where we think) shuts down. We verbalise this by saying: ‘I feel like I am walking through treacle or mud.’ It’s as if time stands still. And often we feel detached – like watching a movie – it can’t be real, can it! I can’t think, is the only way to describe this feeling.

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I worry so much I cannot think clearly

What is Hypnosis?

You think ‘consciously.’ All your self-talk, acceptance, rejections, intellect, free will and your decisions, are all made consciously. But, the real power house of your thoughts is your sub-conscious Mind! Every bit of everything you have every seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt or thought about in stored in Your Unconscious. Like the Hard Drive on your computer you unconscious mind stores everything. But like a Hard drive sometimes our Unconscious Mind needs a re-boot, a partial bit of formatting, or a few files updated or some corruption removed. Hypnotherapists access you Unconscious to re-frame, resolve, or re-program outdated files that maybe slow you down or no longer serve you. You are always in control. Hypnosis helps you de-frag and get back to living your life on your terms.

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unconsciously competent


Volunteering is a way to help others while reaping huge (unexpected) rewards for yourself. Sharing a ‘cuppa’ with a stranger or helping out a bush fire victim are just a couple of ways you can help. Meals on Wheels, Salvo’s and Smith Family all love getting a helping hand. But, there is lots of other ways you can help. Look around your neighbourhood for ways you can add value to another persons day. Even a smile, will bring joy to your heart as well as everyone you share it with. Read more to find out how you can help yourself by helping others!

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gift your time to others

Create a Wealth Mindset

Becoming is more about How you Think than how much you earn. It’s what you do with your earnings that is important. Do you have a savings or a spending mentality? If you were given a windfall $2000 what would you do with it? Go shopping? Pay off some bills? Deposit into your mortgage or invest it? Of course, if you are born into a wealthy family, it can fast track your success, but not always! Winning lotto is not the answer either. Statistically, people who win $1 million or more in Lotto have lost it all within 5 years! Mindset is the key! You need to create a wealth mindset and belief you can be wealthy before money and assets ever start to accumulate in your accounts.

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Believe in Yourself

5 Tips to Conquer Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is debilitating and holds many people ‘prisoners’ of their own imagination. This type of anxiety usually starts with shyness, but is almost always increased by ‘well-intentioned’ prompting by others. “Don’t be silly… theres nothing to worry about!” (And of course, something happens!) There could be trauma, bullying or mocking memories but ultimately it is our own ‘imagining’ disasters happening that keep us frozen. Life is for living. Here are some tips and hints to help you overcome your fears and start interacting with others.

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I love social interaction

8 Serious Reasons for Laughter

Do we take laughter seriously enough? I don’t think so. There is huge ‘scientifically proven’ medical benefits to be gained just from laughing. We attract more friends, Our mental wellbeing is better, we tend to be happier and to live longer. Another huge plus, is our mental capiticy also improves. So if you aren’t prone to laugh a lot, make friends with people who do, as laughter is infectious. You cannot help becoming addicted to laughing once it becomes part of your daily life. So copy others, laugh for no reason – fake it till you make it – but laugh every day. You will be amazed how good you begin to constantly feel.

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The serious benefit of laughter

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