Joslyn Gardiner

Your Mind is Always Listening

Your mind is always listening. No matter whether you think it, say it, see it, hear it, read it, or imagine it …. your mind starts a process to bring ‘that thought’ into your reality. The more you dwell on it, the higher the priority the creation is given. Do not dwell on what you do NOT want! Thinking “I will get Covid!’ will bring it closer and more probable. Think rather, I am healthy and I have a brilliant immune system, my body can cpe with anything the world throws at me. If you want to speak on stage: Imagine the audience applauding your brilliant speech AFTER you finish. Use your imagination to bring the things YOU WANT closer and into your reality. Use I CHOOSE TO KNOW statements to reframe your negative thoughts. Your mind is always listening, so feed it what you want to achieve and live in your life.

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Reframe Your thinking to changfe your future

Secrets to Exercising When You Are Depressed

Depression sucks the life and energy out of you. Unless you have experienced depression (of any sort) you cannot imagine how debilitating the illness can be. Of course, there is medication – we all know someone who is taking anti-depression tablets! But pills are not the only option. Exercise, meditation, and both work. However, it is hard to head to the gym when getting out of bed is a major chore. So, where to start. There are secrets to exercising when you are depressed.

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exercise to overcome depression and anxiety

Stress and Your Skin

Your body is where you first notice that you are stressed. You know you aren’t coping too well but before that there are symptoms you probably have been ignoring. Itchy skin! Pimples! stomach problems and aches in neck, shoulders and back usually feature. But stress and your skin do not go well together and it is the breakouts and the itches that you should pay attention to. When your skin starts to itch – it is the food you are eating or the thoughts you are thinking that causes it. Pay attention! Both will grow in to bigger problems if not addressed.

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stress and your skin

Seeing Yourself as Yourself

One of the hardest things to achieve is to see Yourself as Yourself. It is normal human behaviour to look over the fence and think someone else has a life better than ours. But in reality that is not true. Our values determine who we are, the decisions that we make, our choices, our lifestyle. When we start trying to please others, copy others or do what others expect us to do, we lose our identity. This is when we start to live according to the values of others. We do things to please them. We say yes to them and NO to ourselves. We live their life, achieve their dreams and forget who we really are. Your life is yours to live. Never stop seeing yourself as Yourself. Be true to you.

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Seeing yourself as yourself

Coping with Stressful Changes in Your Life

Change is inevitable. Just like taxes and death, it is sure to happen. So, choose to embrace the challenge and see it as an opportunity to do things differently. Whether its a job loss, a pandemic, moving house, or a child leaving home that is taking you out of your comfort zone, choose to see the change as a positive. What can you do now? Perhaps you always wanted to start a business? Trade online? Volunteer? Explore a new area or meet different people. Every change has hidden possibilities. Find them. Focus on the benefits not the negatives to live a stress free life.

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New Mindset gets different results

Financial Habits that Will Help You

When I was 10 years old I was given a priceless formula for success. With every $$$ you earn, make it work for you. One third to save. One third for daily expenses (rent/food/clothes etc). One third to spend/donate/share. Always have an emergency fund. Never spend more than you earn.
This principle was never about wealth building – although it is the fastest way to financial freedom. It was all about having choices. I have never met a millionaire who lives to ‘make money!’ They make plan to make money but it is not for the having of money, it is to enable them to do what they wish to do without hinderance.,
This might be gifting; travel; research; donations to charities, sponserships, to create a legacy. It is never to have a huge balance in a bank account.
The wealthy know the secret to wealth creation: Gifting and gratitude.
The first step for you to take is: build healthy, financial habits. Start with learning to save. Eliminate unnecessary spending. Have a budget and live by it. Put that money you currently spend on lotto into your savings account instead.

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Business is about service, the more service you give, the more income you make.

Live Your Life on Purpose

Humans have been searching for the meaning of life for millennia. While there isn’t a universal answer, it’s possible to find meaning in your own life. It is a complete waste of human potential for a life to go ‘unlived!’ Everyone is a genuis in some area of their life – find your genuis and share it with the world.

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live your life on purpose

Do You Have a Plan for Your Life?

Do you plan to succeed? Most people spend more time planning their next holiday than they do setting out an itinerary to guide them to achieve the lifestyle they want to live when they retire. Most of us are ‘kids’ for 20 years, we work for 40 years, then we retire for 20 to 30 years! Your last years: you have time, money, less responsibility: how do you want to live? Health, wealth and location! What’s your dream?

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Believe in Yourself

What Women Need to Know Before Starting a Business

Every business you recognise when you see their Logo, started as a small idea, probably in someone’s garage or study. Every overnight success is the result of years of hard work, failures, successes, disappointments and unrelenting belief and commitment to turning up every day. The secret of success is perseverance. Commit to your dream. Ask for help and guidance. Mix only with believers and supporters. Find a mentor and start. Take the first step and keep going.

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