Steve Gardiner

Do You Need to Set Boundaries?

Boundaries are the rules or limits that you set to let other people know what you will tolerate. Many ‘people pleasers’ forget to do this. Before you say yes or agree to anyone else’s wishes or demands, make sure you are not saying yes to them and NO to Yourself! When you are forever doing what others want, you are living their lives not yours! Be Yourself – everyone else is already taken!

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Boundaries are the limits you set. Be clear on what you tolerate

What is TRTP?

Do you feel down, listless, can’t seem to get motivated? You know there’s something wrong, but you can’t figure out what it is! You get angry over small stuff! You cry for no reason! Then, there are the excessive behaviours! What is it for you? Is it emotional eating, excessive drinking, gambling or addiction to gaming … there will be something! Something you need to ‘fill the gap’ to block the feelings or stop you thinking. When you are suffering from long term anxiety, trauma, PTSD you never feel safe, you are always on alert! That is where TRTP™ is so successful. Do you want your life back?

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TRTP resolves trauma in the mind and body

I Can’t Think

Have you ever been so shocked, so overwhelmed or so afraid that your brain freezes! You can’t think! You mind seems addled, and even the simplest task or question confuses you! You are not alone! It is the ‘job’ of our Unconscious Mind to keep us safe! When we are faced with something so horrible, or so confusing that we cannot rationalise, our conscious mind (where we think) shuts down. We verbalise this by saying: ‘I feel like I am walking through treacle or mud.’ It’s as if time stands still. And often we feel detached – like watching a movie – it can’t be real, can it! I can’t think, is the only way to describe this feeling.

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I worry so much I cannot think clearly

What is Hypnosis?

You think ‘consciously.’ All your self-talk, acceptance, rejections, intellect, free will and your decisions, are all made consciously. But, the real power house of your thoughts is your sub-conscious Mind! Every bit of everything you have every seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt or thought about in stored in Your Unconscious. Like the Hard Drive on your computer you unconscious mind stores everything. But like a Hard drive sometimes our Unconscious Mind needs a re-boot, a partial bit of formatting, or a few files updated or some corruption removed. Hypnotherapists access you Unconscious to re-frame, resolve, or re-program outdated files that maybe slow you down or no longer serve you. You are always in control. Hypnosis helps you de-frag and get back to living your life on your terms.

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unconsciously competent

8 Serious Reasons for Laughter

Do we take laughter seriously enough? I don’t think so. There is huge ‘scientifically proven’ medical benefits to be gained just from laughing. We attract more friends, Our mental wellbeing is better, we tend to be happier and to live longer. Another huge plus, is our mental capiticy also improves. So if you aren’t prone to laugh a lot, make friends with people who do, as laughter is infectious. You cannot help becoming addicted to laughing once it becomes part of your daily life. So copy others, laugh for no reason – fake it till you make it – but laugh every day. You will be amazed how good you begin to constantly feel.

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The serious benefit of laughter

Dr Gabor Mate and Addiction

Addictions come in all shapes and sizes and can affect anyone. When you ‘can’t’ not do something, its a clue! Most of us associate addictions with anti-social behaviours, such as smoking, drugging, drinking, gambling etc and yes these are definitely high risk, highly publicised addictive behaviours. But addictions affect people in other areas. There is the person who overeats at each meal – sugar/fat/takeaways are addictive. Some people become addicted to work – work-a-holics! Others to gaming, a huge problem that has grown during Covid Lockdowns. People may become addicted to their health, to going to the gym, playing sport, walking, being busy! Anything that fills ‘the gap!’
So, what is underneath addictions: Very simply Pain! No matter what behaviour the person uses, it is to hide or run away from the pain they don’t want to feel.

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Habits Run Our Lives

Our habits, both good and bad, control what we do, and often how we do it. These habits have been formed from years of repetitively doing the same thing every day, in the same way, usually at the same time. Try cleaning your teeth with your non-dominant hand to see how ‘programmed’ we have all become. Our phone habits, computer habits are now dictating how we even wake in the morning. Think about it, what habits are controlling your life? Is it time to change a few?

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New habits take time to build

5 Signs of True Friendship

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you have a genuine friend, you are wealthy beyond words. Friends are precious! Treat them with care and respect. Be the best friend you can be to the people you know, love and respect. Having a true friend is better than all the anxiety medications in the world.

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What’s a Wrong Decision?

Failing to decide is equal to deciding to fail. Every day we are presented with choices: what to eat, to wear, to do; these are very basics. More important choices pop up unexpectedly, getting into the habit or being comfortable to make a snap decision (based on previous experiences) is an art and practice is the way to perfect it. Practice making quick decisions. Every decision can be corrected by another. Write down the pros and cons of life-changing decisions – anaylsis against your desired outcome. If it fits, go with it. Keep moving to get more out of life.

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Make a decision stop procrastinating

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