
Value Yourself

Values, good service, and ‘fair exchange’ are the cornerstones of any business. Natural therapists often undervalue themselves and the service they give and the change they bring to their clients. This reflects a lack of confidence in either themselves or self-worth. There is a mis-conception by ‘New World therapists’ that they must gift their skills to the world. Its time to change that belief! Money is exchanged for service given. The more organised and valued the service given, the greater the reward. Lets start adding value to Natural and alternative therapies.

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What are you thinking?

What were you thinking? How often do you hear this question? How often have we asked ourselves this question in retrospect? Our thoughts create our actions, our feelings, our reality! Our thoughts determine our decisions and responses to others. We have positive and negative thoughts, both alter our moods. Too much positivity we live in a fantasy world where everything is perfect. Negativity has us expecting problems and bad things to happen. We need balanced thinking to enjoy a balanced happy life.

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He Made Me Do It

Our choices are ‘value statements!’ We choose what gives us the most benefits over drawbacks or less pain! We will ‘do’ things to be accepted, acknowledged, supported, loved, by others or a group. We will also ‘bend rules’ to gain more comfrot over pain. This Pluses and Minus can relate to any or all areas of our lives. There is an old saying “men die for it, babies cry for it!” Recognition, acceptance, and belonging are all major persuaders when people do things and we ask ‘what were you thinking?’

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What’s your Dream?

Dream big, Dream Often and plan for the lifestyle you really want to live. When you have no goals, plans or dreams you are like a ship without a rudder, you simply go where the tides take you. Without purpose, life becomes one day following the next. You are waiting to die and in between fulfilling the goals for others. Start imagining and dream your future today.

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