And the winner, the subconscious mind!!

Decisions to Change start consciously but are executed sub-consciously! But it does not matter how determined we are to change a part of our life if, our ‘sub-conscious mind’ does not believe its ‘safe’ for us to do so, owe will run out of willpower or self-sabotage before we succeed. Why! We all have ‘unconscious core beliefs’ that sabotage us. So, the first step to achieving lasting results is to change the Unconscious limiting beliefs.

And the winner, the subconscious mind!! Read More »

Your perception is your reality

How do you think about yourself? Do you like what you see in the mirror? Our perception creates our reality! So if we ‘think’ we are a winner, we tend to have good luck! Whatever, we believe about ourself – who and what we are and stand for – becomes the foundation of both our identity and the life we live. Our thoughts created the reality that we live! We need to change our thoughts and perception about ourself, before anything changes.

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It’s not safe to be successful

Values! The ‘fire in the belly’ that drives every decision that we make. Often Values are confused with social dictum such as honesty, respect, family, trust etc. But values are different! Values are voids we perceive in our lives that we ‘chase’ to forfill. Values change dependant on circumstances. Health is a great example. A workaholic may be driven by (say) ‘recognition’ there is no time for exercise, relaxing … his/her focus is on what the job fulfills. Then, a health scare! Suddenly, values change – nutrition, exercise, health are top values – the job takes second place. When ‘health’ is missing, we will do everything to fill the void. Book a session and find out what is really driving you!

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Signs of long term stress, anxiety and depression

Long term anxiety and prolonged stress will always have physical symptoms. Generally, you will notice the tightness of muscles in your shoulders first. Perhaps the stomach issues will follow and finally foggy thinking and lack of motivation. It will depend on the severity of the symptoms when a person decides ‘something’ is not right and seeks help. However, it may come as a surprise that the ‘discomfort’ originates from the continuous pressure of stress and anxiety.

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Forgiveness doesn’t work

How many times have you heard “you must forgive!’ Forgive and forget – move on! It doesn’t do any good to hold a grudge! Sadly though, when we have been badly hurt – physically or emotionally – squashing down those emotions, the anger, disappointment and fears just leads to anxiety, stress and other mental health challenges.

Forgiveness doesn’t work Read More »

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