A great tip to achieve goals

Setting Goals. The best way to ensure you live your life well, is to dream, plan and strive to live a life on purpose! How do you do this? Goals! There are 7 areas of our lives. To achieve more in each of these areas, we must plan, set goals and be inspired to achieve the unthinkable. It is easier than you think!

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Using Hypnosis Helps to Break Bad Habits

Good Habits and bad habits. All are controlled subconsciously. Habits are automatic responses that govern our lives. Most of our habits we are unaware of until someone points them out. Good habits are hard to create. Bad habits, like smoking and over-eating so hard to break! Hypnosis helps change bad habits into good habits.

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The reason why we want to fit in

Ever wondered why it ‘hurts’ so much to be ‘left out!’ Whether it is an invite to a party, a place on a team, being given a job to do… we all struggle with that need to be accepted, to be part of the group. Why is that? Well, it all comes down to safety – safety in numbers! Being part of the group (any group!) keeps us safe! Way back in primative times… we needed a group to be safe, it still happens today. For humans, one of our top priorities is being in a group. This is why, most people start smoking to join their ‘peer group.’ Whatever, people around us do, we are driven sub-consciously to copy so we can belong!

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How to easily stop drinking too much alcohol

Do You need to stop drinking? Alcohol abuse is a major problem. Most of us start with drinking to calm down, to feel relaxed and be able to enjoy ourselves. Maybe, you just stop worrying about what ‘other people think?’ Underlying the drinking there is always a reason! That reason is often connected to unresolved issues that happened in your childhood! Resolve the issues and stopping drinking becomes easier.

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5 Ways to Quit Smoking That Actually Work

People say that quitting smoking is the hardest thing they have tried to do. Most people try pills, potions, patches to no avail! Last resorts are going ‘cold turkey’ and that’s stressful. Often the last resort is hypnotherapy! Really, quitting can easy! You need to make a decision, Book an appointment, and replace your smoking habit with breathing fresh air!

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It’s the environment stupid!

When Your environment is safe and supportive, your cells focus on growth and maintain the body’s healthy functioning. but when confronted with stress, cells become defensive and divert energy to survival and protection. Chronic stress, long term anxiety leads to dysfunction and disease. To be healthy we need growth. Treating only physical symptoms and not the mental or physical environment will never lead to a healthy body.

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A complimentary approach to stress, anxiety, depression and PTSD

Doctors now accept the value of alternative & complementary treatments. There is a new perspective that understands the body is not just a mechanical device, but rather incorporates the role of a mind and spirit. Our environment, being the Mind, the body and our physical location all play a part in both our physical and mental wellbeing. Medicine alone cannot ensure our health. Complementary therapies such as hypnosis can prove invaluable to enabling a person to live life free of mental and physical pain!

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Break free from what’s strangling you?

We all carry baggage! Baggage from the past! Things we can’t seem to let go of, that ‘pop up’ whenever we try to move forward. These fears create anxiety, stress even depression. The emotions create strangle the joy out of living. What is strangling you? When are you going to ‘let it go?’

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Get Angry, Take Back Your Life

Can you get angry? Often we ‘think’ we shouldn’t! Really, ‘what will people think?’ and ‘I’m ok, I’ve dealt with it!’ are common excuses that hide the fact we are ‘afraid’ of getting angry! The truth is if we hold anger inside, ‘it is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die!’ Anger needs to be released to allow you to move on. TRTP – The Richards Trauma Process is an excellent hypnotic process for achieving this.

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A Soldiers Tale

War has many casualties. Front line soldiers may not be wounded physically but combat leaves emotional scars. To be an effective soldier, you must ‘think’ and ‘react’ not emotionally respond or you become a liability. Returning to civilian life is difficult and soldiers often have guilt, anger, shame, and fears to deal with. Relationships are hard to start or maintain when you are emotionally shut down. Mental health needs to be a priority.

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