believe in ourselves

What’s a Wrong Decision?

Failing to decide is equal to deciding to fail. Every day we are presented with choices: what to eat, to wear, to do; these are very basics. More important choices pop up unexpectedly, getting into the habit or being comfortable to make a snap decision (based on previous experiences) is an art and practice is the way to perfect it. Practice making quick decisions. Every decision can be corrected by another. Write down the pros and cons of life-changing decisions – anaylsis against your desired outcome. If it fits, go with it. Keep moving to get more out of life.

What’s a Wrong Decision? Read More »

Make a decision stop procrastinating

Purpose – It’s All About You!

When you don’t know ‘why’ or do not have your values aligned with your Purpose, everything you do will be a low priority for you, and a high priority for someone else.  Simply said:  If you don’t know what you want, your day will be filled by creating satisfaction for someone else.  

Purpose – It’s All About You! Read More »

Your perception is your reality

How do you think about yourself? Do you like what you see in the mirror? Our perception creates our reality! So if we ‘think’ we are a winner, we tend to have good luck! Whatever, we believe about ourself – who and what we are and stand for – becomes the foundation of both our identity and the life we live. Our thoughts created the reality that we live! We need to change our thoughts and perception about ourself, before anything changes.

Your perception is your reality Read More »

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