Experience Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy has been with us for hundreds of years. Some of the earliest recordings of the use of hypnosis has been from the ancient Egyptians who had temples where people went to relax and use hypnosis. Hypnotherapy has been scientifically proven for more than two hundred years to be the strongest natural phenomena that we have. Hypnosis combined with therapy gives us the tool that can help “all” ailments and problems, both psychological and physical. When used to simply relax, the benefits derived can be enormous and prove effective whatever the illness or worry you may have.
What Is Hypnosis
Hypnosis (from the Greek word hypnosis meaning “sleep”) is often thought to be “a trance-like state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject. “Within science, there is no debate as to whether hypnosis exists or works. It is just that the professors cannot agree on how or why it works. It is not a sleep but more like a heightened state of awareness, similar to day-dreaming. It is in fact a change of state where the subject can be guided into relaxation and access his unconscious mind. All hypnosis is in fact self-hypnosis. It’s all about the subject allowing themselves to go into hypnosis. A subject cannot be made to do what they do not want to do, they are in control. The biggest secret to going into hypnosis is that you have to want to. Find out more click here.
Depths Of Hypnosis
Hypnotists have been classifying the different depths of trance since the 18th century, from a light trance to somnambulism (the deepest state of hypnosis in which the subject is capable of rapid calculations and speed learning).
The Stanford Scale of Hypnotic depth is such a method and was developed by Earnest R Hilgard a professor of psychologist from Stanford University in the 1930’s. Hypnosis and hypnotic techniques can be, and have been, used for medical purposes in a variety of contexts from pain relief to inducing anaesthesia in operations. James Esdaile, (1808-1859) specialised in what he called hypno-anaesthesia and performed.
hundreds of operations in India using hypnosis as the only aesthetic. He returned to England to show his work and was almost thrown out of the army as a result. At that time chloroform was discovered and it overtook his work. In 1891 the British Medical Association reported that ‘as a therapeutic agent, hypnotism is frequently effective in relieving pain, procuring sleep and alleviating many dysfunctional ailments’.
Hypnosis in the relief of pain has been more acceptable and is often used when chemical anesthetics cannot be used. Hypnosis is also used in the form of hypnotherapy to improve or alter behaviour. Its effectiveness has been clinically demonstrated in many fields, most notably in the areas of stopping smoking, losing weight, phobias, accelerated learning, stress management, acute pain relief. There is a clear difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Hypnosis can be said to be the altered state of mind and heightened awareness the subject is in, whilst hypnotherapy is the application of techniques used when the subject is in hypnosis to bring about a specific result.
As specialist in hypnosis we guide you into making the desired changes, ridding you of unnecessary inhibitions and negative fears and doubts that have been in the way of you achieving what you want from life. In fact only ‘you’ can make those changes if you so desire; a therapist simply does not have the power they’re merely the guide. Find out more click here.
What Can Hypnotherapy Be Used For?
Hypnosis is able to help many ailments and problems both psychological and physical. Most people know how hypnosis can help psychological problems such as phobias, weight, smoking and lack of self-esteem etc. but don’t realise that all physical illnesses can be greatly helped with the regular relaxation of both mind and body. Simple relaxation with hypnosis rests the entire body and helps in the healing process.
With psychological problems, hypnosis allows the subject to go back in time safely to where the problem first happened and why it happened. Once this has been identifies suggestions can be made to modify and change the thinking and behaviour around the problem.
With hypnosis the hypnotist is able to give specific suggestions that target symptoms. Hypnosis itself also allows the body to relax and help with repairing itself.
We use hypnosis for mind management with elite athletes. With hypnosis we are able to take the athlete into the past or future so that they can analyse their performance or to boost their self-confidence.
Hypnosis in combination with coaching is a very powerful tool in the management of stress, depression and post-traumatic stress. The relaxation alone that hypnosis gives is an immediate help in that it allows the subject to be open to suggestions that ultimately solve the problem. Find out more click here.
Hypnosis by Zoom
Most people have Zoom on their computers or can load it for free. Using modified induction processes we are able to conduct hypnosis with you in the comfort of your home. It also means that it does not matter where you are, if you have connectivity for skype you can have a hypnosis session. The method is safe, simple and extremely effective.
Hypnosis Sessions
All of our hypnosis sessions are carried out face to face, whether it be over the internet using SKYPE or ZOOM or you are sitting in the same room. Before any hypnosis we have a complimentary strategy session to find out what your problem is and to find out what you want to accomplish. This session also allows you to see if we are right for you and for us to see if we can work with you. From this session we customise your hypnotherapy session to you, so that you can get the outcomes that you desire. We may be able to solve your problem in one, 60 minute session or it may require more sessions. Our aim is to get you the outcome that you desire as soon as possible. Find out more click here.