Quit Smoking

Anxiety Stress PTSD

When you are suffering from anxiety, long-term stress, depression or PTSD, simply trying to deal with ‘daily’ life can be very difficult to do. Trying to overcome habits like smoking, drinking, emotional eating, or anger is impossible. Our Unique Trauma Therapy, The Richards Trauma Process, (TRTP) is designed to resolve the anxiety and gives you Your Life Back!

Are You truly happy with your life right now? Maybe its your career, relationships, physical health, finances, that isn’t working out as you want. Our Coaches & Counsellors are trained to work with you to overcome internal and external obstacles. They will help you to develop tangible goals, and an action plan that is aligned with your Values, and inspires you.

Our signature Therapy programs combine Hypnosis and coaching to accelerate ‘change’ for our clients. TRTP – The Richards Trauma Process resolves complex PTSD, long-term anxiety, stress, depression in 3-4 sessions. Quit Smoking in 60 minutes. Lose Weight. Change Unconscious Negative beliefs, gain confidence and get rid of phobias. Hypnosis Works! Book a Free Consult
Quit Smoking
Steve Gardiner was an expert in the growing and curing of tobacco. Now, ironically his passion is to help people Quit Smoking Permanently. With Steve’s rich experience in the tobacco industry, he can understand only too well the effects of smoking on people.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
- Is your health being affected by smoking?
- Is your family being affected by your smoking?
- Why did you start smoking?
- How much per month is smoking costing you?
- Do you enjoy being controlled by smoking?
If any of these questions create a desire to QUIT Smoking, then don’t hesitate; the time to QUIT is right now. CALL NOW
After calling, you’ll realize that quitting smoking is easier than you thought. It’s so easy that 95.6 % of those who came to see us managed to Quit in just 60 Minutes! The most common reason why people don’t quit after hypnosis is that they really did not want to quit or their unconscious mind still thought it was getting a benefit. Our guarantee means that if this should happen to you, you can come back for free to qualify that you want to give up or to do another process to address what is going on in your unconscious mind. If you really want to quit, we guarantee you we will work with you until you do. You will know for yourself that at the end of the session, you are now a permanent non-smoker. You won’t feel as if you are giving anything up, or having to cope with not having cigarettes. You will be satisfied and happy that you have now done what so many people only wish to do.
Weight Loss
Every action that we take begins as a thought. Our subconscious mind is designed to ensure we achieve ALL our Goals, and our conscious MIND will ensure it protects us, according to the “beliefs” we have built up over time and experience. Whatever self-image “picture” we have in our Mind is the image we will become!
Think back; how long does it take on a diet before you are saying to yourself, “This is a waste of time. I can’t lose weight” or “Something always happens so that I have to eat a cake” or even, “I start craving chocolate the moment I start a diet”.
Does any of this sound familiar?
I know, for me, I don’t even like chocolate but I started to crave it the moment I went on a “diet”!
WHY does this happen? Your conscious mind will always support the picture and the beliefs you have in your subconscious mind. Unless you “link” maintaining health and fitness as one of your highest values, you will always struggle to lose weight.
This is why My Perfect Image is so successful.
Your Coach will help you “discover” your highest values and then “link” these “values” to your Perfect Image goal using Hypnosis and anchoring the “link” using Neuro-Linguistic Programming to make the “link” permanent.
Your Coach will “CRUSH your CRAVINGS” for the foods and actions that sabotage your success.
Your Coach will “CHANGE the IMAGE” and anchor in new belief patterns around food, eating and achieving the image you will say is My Perfect Image.
By linking your highest value to your Perfect Image, curing your cravings and changing your mindset about your image, losing weight becomes easy and natural. The result is that you will maintain your natural weight and the Perfect Image for you permanently.
4 sessions – 4 weeks
My Perfect Image is not a diet but a Lifestyle change.
- You will Choose the foods that suit you and your Lifestyle.
- You will decide on the meal choices.
- We will “CRUSH your CRAVINGS”
- We will use Hypnosis and NLP to anchor in new beliefs around your weight.
- You will set a goal on the weight you wish to be.
- You will be supported and kept accountable.
- You will attain the image that you will say is My Perfect Image
My Perfect Image will teach you to:
- Discover WHY you want to lose weight.
- Determine WHAT you VALUE most and then LINK this to your weight loss goal
- Learn to set weight goals and change your habits – at a subconscious level.
- Understand your how to get YOUR subconscious Mind to work with you
- Use NLP and hypnosis to ensure “special occasions” do not sabotage you.
- Maintain focused 10 minute daily exercise.
- Achieve the results you desire.
Dr Demartini’s “Values Determination Process” combined with the wisdom of “Think & Grow Rich” provide A Unique Opportunity for Personal & Business Development
If you had the opportunity to study the thinking of one of the master thinkers alive today, would you grasp it?
If that very same opportunity allowed you to share ideas, goals, and challenges and develop potential profitable relationships with like-minded business leaders, would it alter your future?
During this dynamic, one day workshop, you will learn the value principles as taught by Dr. John Demartini and the wisdom within Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think and Grow Rich”.
Have you ever wondered why some people “attract” wealth with very little effort and others (maybe you) seem to work hard and never seem to get ahead?
What is your “belief” around making money, holding money and creating wealth? Did you know the belief you have about money will accelerate or hinder your personal wealth creation?
During the Master Your Destiny workshop you will look at your values and your purpose for being in business. You will determine what you actually want out of life?
This one day, intense workshop will afford you the opportunity to join forces and mastermind with a unique group of like-minded individuals who are focused on taking the results, in every area of their life, to a new level. Together, you will learn how to achieve your goals by understanding your relationship with money and your values, how to expect abundance, the law of vibration and attraction, how to not think in reverse and the vacuum law of prosperity.
The Demartini Method
THE DEMARTINI METHOD® FOR GROUPS is designed knowing that the success of any individual will only occur in proportion to the growth of that individual. It is the newest and most powerful methodology in personal growth and transformation. The method involves a procedure that neutralizes an individual’s emotional charges.
This method developed by Dr. John F. Demartini is the culmination of more than thirty years of research: philosophy, theology, metaphysics, psychology, astronomy, and studies in numerous disciplines including physics, mathematics, neurology and physiology.