No Relapse Worries
Understanding how to prevent relapse is very simple with Quit Smoking hypnosis. When you come for your session, our 4 Step Successful Quit Smoking program with be explained to you.
4 Simple Steps
- You Want to Quit
Decide you have had enough. Its time! You are ready and want to quit smoking for good! You decide. Phone and book an appointment. Turn up on time.
- Education Time. At your appointment, we explain exactly what is going to happen. We want you to be very relaxed and clear about what is going to happen. You have a role to play. Your therapist has his job to do. Working together it is a simple process to become a permanent non-smoker in 60 minutes. And, no! We don’t make you ‘cluck like a chicken’ unless you really want to, and you pay us a heap of extra money! That is the No1 question we are asked. During this part of the process, your therapist will explain why hypnosis works and what your responsibilities are. You will be given a CD or MP3 to listen to and Health Guidelines. Part of our Hypnosis therapy is a little homework. Your job is to listen to the CD at least once every day. It is not long but is essential. This is a specifically prepared hypnosis to ‘reinforce and cement’ the suggestions and habit changes that were installed, to avoid relapse, during your Quit smoking in 60 minutes session.
Every smoker has other activities associated with their smoking. This might be with the first coffee in the morning, driving the car, taking a break at work, space to think, when you are drinking, after eating, and many other times, places and activities. We call these ‘things’ triggers. Why? Because when you stop smoking you leave a gap in your unconscious mind but you keep on doing the ‘things’ that you did along with smoking. So when you make a coffee, you ‘trigger’ the habit of smoking – because these two things went together. You are stopping a recurring activity – a habit. Stopping smoking is stopping only one half of a habit. This is perceived by your mind that you have ‘forgotten’ to do something. Your subconscious mindsets about trying to remind you to ‘do that thing‘ in this case have a smoke. Your internal voice nags at you until you eventually give up and either have a cigarette, a drink, or grab something to eat – usually a lolly or a hi-carb food. The reason our 4 step process is so successful is that we ‘fill the gap.’ We take out the habit of smoking and replace it with a habit of breathing fresh air. A similar habit fills the gap. No gap, no withdrawals, cravings, and there is nothing missing to stimulate the Subconscious to go looking for what is lost.
- Final Step The last step is personalising the hypnosis for you and your habit and conducting the hypnotherapy session. This takes around 60 minutes.
Your responsibility
The steps are easy to do. First, decide you want to stop smoking. Book an appointment and keep it. Then, follow up by doing the homework. It takes 30 days to change a habit and your smoking is essentially a habit. It will take 30 days to permanently change the habit of smoking to a habit of breathing fresh air. We do our part in your hypnosis session, but you have to do your homework to avoid smoking withdrawal or having a relapse.
It is your responsibility to
(1) listen to the CD each and every day for 30 days. Not every second day. Every day.
(2) Read and follow the Health guidelines. You will be amazed at the tips and hints that are so easy to adopt in your normal everyday life.
If for any reason you do have a relapse, it happens occasionally you must phone and book a follow-up appointment immediately, definitely within 7 days of this occurring. Usually, it is only a trigger that needs to be addressed. It happens occasionally. Phone us, we don’t judge but we cannot help and get you back on track if we don’t know.