The Importance of Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries are essential to living in harmony with others. Sure, you can just go with the flow and always do what others expect and want you to do. But, sooner or later, you will rebel. Why, because when you live your life according to the values of others, there is no satisfaction. You will start to loathe yourself as your self-esteem disintegrates. Set healthy boundaries at the beginning of all relationships and hold them firm for your own mental health. True relationships are a partnership – equal in all ways.

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Speak up and be heard

Anger: Protective or Victim?

Anger is an emotion. Like all emotions, anger is helpful to vent or let off steam when needed, but it must be controlled. Out-of-control anger is damaging and destructive. Victim anger takes you further down the rabbit hole. Protective anger gives you power, strength and the ability to take control. You know you have ‘got this’ when you are protecting your self or others in a clean healthy way.

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Protective anger

The Richards Trauma Process

TRTP is a unique, therapy created out of the need for an amazing lady to get well. Judith Richards had ‘lost her mind’ as a result of severe domestic violence abuse. She wanted it back. It took years of investigation, trial and error. But eventually out of the murkiness arose TRTP. TRTP is different. It is quick. There is evidence-based evidence building of its success. It’s not for everyone, there is no one therapy that is perfect for everyone. But, TRTP works for the majority. And, unfortunately, almost all of us, have some unconscious beliefs, or an highly emotive event, that is holding us back. For more info: Call 1300645354

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The Richards Trauma Process

You Don’t Need to Be Fixed

Today life moves at a fast pace. Electronics have sped up how we do business, meet friends, and have holidays. Everything can be and is done in an instant. But this has a huge downside. We can, and most of us do, lose track of reality. Let go of what is important while we chase after the next sale, and set up the next appointment. We race here and everywhere and forget to leave time to live. Life is a balance. It is impossible to keep going frantically no matter who you are. The secret to happiness is balance. Balancing the have to do, the need to do’s, with the I want to do! Burn Out can happen very quickly when we are not centred and we are chasing an illusive goal without really knowing why. Balance comes from not only chasing a goal, but enjoying the journey and knowing when you have achieved it.

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I am a work in progress

Your Mind is Always Listening

Your mind is always listening. No matter whether you think it, say it, see it, hear it, read it, or imagine it …. your mind starts a process to bring ‘that thought’ into your reality. The more you dwell on it, the higher the priority the creation is given. Do not dwell on what you do NOT want! Thinking “I will get Covid!’ will bring it closer and more probable. Think rather, I am healthy and I have a brilliant immune system, my body can cpe with anything the world throws at me. If you want to speak on stage: Imagine the audience applauding your brilliant speech AFTER you finish. Use your imagination to bring the things YOU WANT closer and into your reality. Use I CHOOSE TO KNOW statements to reframe your negative thoughts. Your mind is always listening, so feed it what you want to achieve and live in your life.

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Reframe Your thinking to changfe your future

Fear or Phobia

TRTP – The Richards Trauma Therapy was created in 2013 by Judith Richards as a result of her recovery from extreme mental, and physical domestic violence. TRTP is unique, simple yet life-changing. It deals with the cause, not your symptoms, of your emotional past. Your symptoms may be: excessive drinking, eating, gambling; depression, stress, pro-longed anxiety; you may suffer from addictions or inability to sleep. There are many symptoms – but generally one cause: unresolved emotional events that have happened in your past! TRTP resolves them – generally in 3 sessions! Investigate More……

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I am NOT safe

Stress and Your Skin

Your body is where you first notice that you are stressed. You know you aren’t coping too well but before that there are symptoms you probably have been ignoring. Itchy skin! Pimples! stomach problems and aches in neck, shoulders and back usually feature. But stress and your skin do not go well together and it is the breakouts and the itches that you should pay attention to. When your skin starts to itch – it is the food you are eating or the thoughts you are thinking that causes it. Pay attention! Both will grow in to bigger problems if not addressed.

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stress and your skin

Coping with Stressful Changes in Your Life

Change is inevitable. Just like taxes and death, it is sure to happen. So, choose to embrace the challenge and see it as an opportunity to do things differently. Whether its a job loss, a pandemic, moving house, or a child leaving home that is taking you out of your comfort zone, choose to see the change as a positive. What can you do now? Perhaps you always wanted to start a business? Trade online? Volunteer? Explore a new area or meet different people. Every change has hidden possibilities. Find them. Focus on the benefits not the negatives to live a stress free life.

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New Mindset gets different results

Live Your Life on Purpose

Humans have been searching for the meaning of life for millennia. While there isn’t a universal answer, it’s possible to find meaning in your own life. It is a complete waste of human potential for a life to go ‘unlived!’ Everyone is a genuis in some area of their life – find your genuis and share it with the world.

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live your life on purpose

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