Surprisingly Easy Way to Quit Smoking
Quitting smoking cigarettes or vaping does not have to be hard. Hypnosis can make it easy. All you need to do is pick up the phone and call 1300645354 and book an appointment. It really is that easy!
Quit smoking with hypnosis. Our articles on quitting smoking aid you to stop smoking permanently. As well as hypnosis, we provide helpful tips and guides.
Quitting smoking cigarettes or vaping does not have to be hard. Hypnosis can make it easy. All you need to do is pick up the phone and call 1300645354 and book an appointment. It really is that easy!
The right time to quit smoking is when ‘You’ decide! It is not about money, nor age! You can quit smoking anytime you decide to, hypnosis makes the decision easy to achieve.
The major thing that scares smokers when they think about quitting, is relapsing. The Quit Smoking Experts 4 step hypnosis process to stop smoking takes that worry away. First, there is a Guarantee (T&C applicable) and secondly, after 14 years and hundreds of clients Steve Gardiner – The Quit Expert knows what works and has an enviable success rate. All you need to do is want to quit, book an appointment, and turn up. After your session, there is some homework to do. Easy Peasy stuff, but guaranteed to make you a permanent non-smoker.
Addictions affect nearly every part of your life. Unfortunately, addictions also become progressively worse the longer you have them. Some of the most common addictions include addictions to alcohol, drugs, food, smoking, shopping, and gambling. Some other activities which people do not associate with being addictions are being a gym junkie or constantly exercising; workaholics;
Ever wondered why it ‘hurts’ so much to be ‘left out!’ Whether it is an invite to a party, a place on a team, being given a job to do… we all struggle with that need to be accepted, to be part of the group. Why is that? Well, it all comes down to safety – safety in numbers! Being part of the group (any group!) keeps us safe! Way back in primative times… we needed a group to be safe, it still happens today. For humans, one of our top priorities is being in a group. This is why, most people start smoking to join their ‘peer group.’ Whatever, people around us do, we are driven sub-consciously to copy so we can belong!
People say that quitting smoking is the hardest thing they have tried to do. Most people try pills, potions, patches to no avail! Last resorts are going ‘cold turkey’ and that’s stressful. Often the last resort is hypnotherapy! Really, quitting can easy! You need to make a decision, Book an appointment, and replace your smoking habit with breathing fresh air!
One of the top 3 New Year resolutions each January is quitting smoking. People decide to quit but the programming in the unconscious mind ‘thinks’ its not safe to quit. Sounds strange, but its true. You see, when you started smoking you joined a ‘group!’ Being a member of a group means ‘you belong.’ There is safety in numbers! So not only do you belong, you are also safer. These are high ‘needs’ for every human being! This is what you fight against when you decide to quit smoking. Hypnosis changes the ‘thinking’ of your unconscious mind to allow you to succeed in quitting.
I sometimes get people who just not seem to be able to quit smoking. They try everything and yet they still cannot quit. Often the reason for this is the connection of their smoking with stress and trauma of the past. If your smoking is linked to this then you will not stop smoking cigarettes.
Just recently I had a client who although she said age wanted to quit smoking could not. After two visits we explored why this was happening. It turned out that over the last few years her husband and many of her friends had died of cancer. She said it was as if everybody had abandoned
I had someone who was coming to see me to quit smoking cigarettes and they said that they were really nervous about it. When I asked them why they were nervous about quit smoking they said to me that it was their crutch and they were afraid that they would fail. Let’s look at this