TRTP Trauma therapy

The Importance of Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Boundaries are essential to living in harmony with others. Sure, you can just go with the flow and always do what others expect and want you to do. But, sooner or later, you will rebel. Why, because when you live your life according to the values of others, there is no satisfaction. You will start to loathe yourself as your self-esteem disintegrates. Set healthy boundaries at the beginning of all relationships and hold them firm for your own mental health. True relationships are a partnership – equal in all ways.

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Speak up and be heard

The Importance of Healthy Boundaries When Dealing with Bullying

Bullying is rife in our communities. Seven out of every ten high school kids in Australia have been bullied somehow. Bullying occurs in the home, in schools (by teachers and other students); in the workplace. I am sure you can think of other places or scenarios. Setting firm, healthy boundaries while being clear on what you will and will not tolerate is essential. It is essential to maintain the respect for others’ boundaries as you maintain a strong sense of who you are.

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Boundaries are the limits you set. Be clear on what you tolerate

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