limiting beliefs

Anger: Protective or Victim?

Anger is an emotion. Like all emotions, anger is helpful to vent or let off steam when needed, but it must be controlled. Out-of-control anger is damaging and destructive. Victim anger takes you further down the rabbit hole. Protective anger gives you power, strength and the ability to take control. You know you have ‘got this’ when you are protecting your self or others in a clean healthy way.

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Protective anger

The Importance of Healthy Boundaries When Dealing with Bullying

Bullying is rife in our communities. Seven out of every ten high school kids in Australia have been bullied somehow. Bullying occurs in the home, in schools (by teachers and other students); in the workplace. I am sure you can think of other places or scenarios. Setting firm, healthy boundaries while being clear on what you will and will not tolerate is essential. It is essential to maintain the respect for others’ boundaries as you maintain a strong sense of who you are.

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Boundaries are the limits you set. Be clear on what you tolerate

You Don’t Need to Be Fixed

Today life moves at a fast pace. Electronics have sped up how we do business, meet friends, and have holidays. Everything can be and is done in an instant. But this has a huge downside. We can, and most of us do, lose track of reality. Let go of what is important while we chase after the next sale, and set up the next appointment. We race here and everywhere and forget to leave time to live. Life is a balance. It is impossible to keep going frantically no matter who you are. The secret to happiness is balance. Balancing the have to do, the need to do’s, with the I want to do! Burn Out can happen very quickly when we are not centred and we are chasing an illusive goal without really knowing why. Balance comes from not only chasing a goal, but enjoying the journey and knowing when you have achieved it.

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I am a work in progress

Your Mind is Always Listening

Your mind is always listening. No matter whether you think it, say it, see it, hear it, read it, or imagine it …. your mind starts a process to bring ‘that thought’ into your reality. The more you dwell on it, the higher the priority the creation is given. Do not dwell on what you do NOT want! Thinking “I will get Covid!’ will bring it closer and more probable. Think rather, I am healthy and I have a brilliant immune system, my body can cpe with anything the world throws at me. If you want to speak on stage: Imagine the audience applauding your brilliant speech AFTER you finish. Use your imagination to bring the things YOU WANT closer and into your reality. Use I CHOOSE TO KNOW statements to reframe your negative thoughts. Your mind is always listening, so feed it what you want to achieve and live in your life.

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Reframe Your thinking to changfe your future

What is Hypnosis?

You think ‘consciously.’ All your self-talk, acceptance, rejections, intellect, free will and your decisions, are all made consciously. But, the real power house of your thoughts is your sub-conscious Mind! Every bit of everything you have every seen, heard, smelt, tasted, felt or thought about in stored in Your Unconscious. Like the Hard Drive on your computer you unconscious mind stores everything. But like a Hard drive sometimes our Unconscious Mind needs a re-boot, a partial bit of formatting, or a few files updated or some corruption removed. Hypnotherapists access you Unconscious to re-frame, resolve, or re-program outdated files that maybe slow you down or no longer serve you. You are always in control. Hypnosis helps you de-frag and get back to living your life on your terms.

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unconsciously competent

5 Tips to Conquer Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is debilitating and holds many people ‘prisoners’ of their own imagination. This type of anxiety usually starts with shyness, but is almost always increased by ‘well-intentioned’ prompting by others. “Don’t be silly… theres nothing to worry about!” (And of course, something happens!) There could be trauma, bullying or mocking memories but ultimately it is our own ‘imagining’ disasters happening that keep us frozen. Life is for living. Here are some tips and hints to help you overcome your fears and start interacting with others.

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I love social interaction

Your Past is Your Key to Success

The foundation of our identity has been set by the time we are 7 years old. We absorbed everything, good or bad that happens. Everything we hear, see, feel or experience we believe is ‘about us!’ Our beliefs are based on these perceptions. That is scary. Imagine asking a 7 year old to make decision for your future. As we grow, these ‘unconscious beliefs’ determine how we view our world. Most are not true but influence us nonetheless. Its time to change. The key to success is facing the past, updating our beliefs and moving into the future with confidence and a new identity.

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How to Be More Assertive

Most of us are not born ‘assertive.’ It is a learned skill, but it is very necessary. We need to know how to politely say ‘No’; how to express our needs; and to be calm and clear when dealing with others. Those who can communicate their views, pleasure and displeasure to others without creating offensive are rewarded for their skills. Leadership is a combination of empathy, understanding and assertiveness. Practice your skills.

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Break free from what’s strangling you?

We all carry baggage! Baggage from the past! Things we can’t seem to let go of, that ‘pop up’ whenever we try to move forward. These fears create anxiety, stress even depression. The emotions create strangle the joy out of living. What is strangling you? When are you going to ‘let it go?’

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