Revitalise your Health

Revitalise your Gut with Everyday Spices!

Are you struggling to lose weight, improve your health, or regain energy? Your gut health and bowel function may be the missing piece of the puzzle. Many individuals aged between 45 and 65 have faced challenges in achieving their health and weight goals, and one possible reason could be their colon health. Fortunately, you can revitalise your gut with these everyday spices found in your pantry.

Why Colon Cleansing Matters

Keep your gut healthyThe Australian CDC (Centre for Disease Control) reports that colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in both men and women. This form of cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow in the colon or rectum. The colon, also known as the large intestine, is crucial in waste formation. If cancerous cells spread to other organs or enter the bloodstream, they can cause serious damage.    Colon cancer may be influenced by genetic factors or inflammatory bowel disease, but lifestyle choices also contribute to increased risk. Lack of physical activity, a low-fibre diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption can all heighten the likelihood of developing colon cancer.

Who is at Risk?

In the past, colon cancer was referred to as an ‘old person’s disease, but evidence now shows that the number of people 25 or 26 years is increasing yearly.  But it still remains true; as people age, polyps may form in the colon, potentially leading to the formation of cancer cells. To prevent the spread of polyps and maintain colon health, it’s essential to flush out the colon through lifestyle and dietary changes, along with natural detox methods that alkalise the body and eliminate waste and toxins.  Especially if you want to reduce weight or regain energy, if your gut is not healthy, it will show sluggish weight loss and energy levels.

Revitalise Your Gut with Herbs and Spices

Revitalise your HealthWhen it comes to addressing digestive issues, traditional healers often turn to bitter herbs. These herbs have a beneficial impact on gut health, aiding digestion and promoting healthy bowel movements.   Bitter herbs stimulate the taste buds, increasing saliva production and gastric juice release, which improves digestion and motility.  Insoluble fibres like psyllium husk are also effective in enhancing colon function. They expedite the movement of food, maintaining regular bowel movements. Fibre adds bulk to the stool, easing passage and preventing constipation while helping heal loose stools.


Another method of supporting colon function is using laxatives that promote proper waste elimination. Laxatives stimulate the intestines, hastening gut motility and flushing out water, waste, and toxins from the colon.

However, it’s important to note that prolonged use of strong laxatives, including herbal options, can be detrimental. Overusing laxatives can cause the intestines to lose muscle and nerve response, rendering them ineffective in waste removal if they become dilated.   Colon cleansing with laxative herbs is necessary only when bowel movements feel irregular, and it should be done at most once a month.

Everyday Spices to Revitalise Your Gut

To effectively cleanse your colon and revitalise your gut health effectively, you need safe and gentle cleansing herbs to complement your high-fibre diet. These spices are readily available in your kitchen and are considered staples for culinary purposes. They not only promote a healthy stomach but also assist in maintaining regular bowel movements.


Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a spice that supports your gut health by stimulating the production of gastric juices, aiding digestion, and preventing gut-related issues. It is one of the most effective and easily accessible herbs for alleviating stomach discomfort.  The compound responsible for ginger’s colon-cleansing properties is gingerol, an antioxidant with strong anti-inflammatory properties. Gingerol binds to harmful waste in the colon, soothes gut inflammation, and effectively flushes out toxins.

For a relaxing and light morning feeling, consume ginger as a tea the night before to cleanse your colon overnight.


Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an incredibly effective herbal remedy for Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease. Its anti-inflammatory properties surpass those of ibuprofen and aspirin. Curcumin, the primary ingredient in turmeric, also helps prevent chronic bowel diseases from recurring.

Turmeric’s polyphenols are renowned for treating a wide range of health problems. Curcumin, in particular, acts as an excellent gut cleanser and prevents the formation of harmful free radicals. Clinical trials are actively exploring turmeric’s potential anti-cancer effects, especially concerning colorectal cancer.

To revitalise your Gut effectively

Prepare a turmeric-ginger tisane and consume it before bedtime.

Ingredients: 2 cups of plant-based milk, ½ tsp turmeric powder, a pinch of black pepper, ½ tsp finely chopped ginger, ½ tsp cinnamon powder, 1 tbsp honey.

Steps: Heat the milk in a saucepan and add all the ingredients. Serve with honey if desired.


Garlic (Allium sativum), a staple spice found in most kitchens, possesses therapeutic properties that benefit gut health. This powerful and flavourful spice contains sulphur compounds that promote overall well-being. Components like alliin, allicin, and ajoene found in garlic help prevent cancer.  Raw garlic eliminates waste and toxins from the colon while eliminating parasites and pathogens from the intestines. It inhibits cancer cell formation and proliferation.

Including garlic in your daily meals allows you to reap its cleansing and detoxification benefits. Consuming 3 to 4 crushed garlic cloves daily reduces the risk of colorectal and other cancers.


Flaxseed or linseed (Linum usitatissimum) is a superfood known for its excellent digestive properties. This high-fibre seed contains mucilage gum, a gel-forming soluble fibre that binds to the mucus in the digestive tract. Flaxseed soothes and cleanses the digestive tract by preventing the mucus from drying out.   By protecting the mucous membrane, flaxseed prevents the proliferation of pathogens in the colon and abnormal cell growth. Research indicates that lignans in flaxseed protect against colon cancer and limit its growth.

To alleviate bloating and constipation

Incorporate a tablespoon of flaxseeds with a glass of water to cleanse and protect your digestive system.


Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a widely recognised spice in Ayurvedic medicine that prevents constipation and alleviates painful stomach ulcers. Packed with antioxidants and other volatile compounds, fenugreek acts as a gastric stimulant and anti-cancer herb.    Fenugreek is rich in fibre and gum mucilage, which improve and protect digestive functions. It facilitates cellular irrigation, enabling efficient cleansing activities and waste removal. The high fibre content in fenugreek husk and non-starchy polysaccharides aids smooth digestion and colon cleansing.

To use Fenugreek to revitalise Your Gut

soak 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water overnight. Strain and drink the infused water early in the morning, once a day. Avoid consuming more than 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds daily, as excessive intake may lead to digestive troubles like diarrhea and indigestion.


Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is another highly valued spice in Ayurvedic medicine. Known for its carminative properties, cumin is commonly used to treat colic in children. It effectively suppresses the growth of microorganisms like E. coli, making it an excellent remedy for food poisoning.  Cumin seeds help alleviate digestive issues, particularly in relieving irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms. Cumin supports digestion, facilitates the elimination of toxic waste from the colon, and stimulates strong gut health. Additionally, it helps prevent tumour growth, reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

Cleanse your colon with cumin

by roasting cumin seeds and grinding them into powder. Mix 1 tsp of cumin seed powder with (1) warm water or (2) yogurt, and consume it on an empty stomach.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum) are nutty seeds commonly used to garnish bread, pastries, and salads. These seeds contain bioactive compounds that prevent diseases and cleanse the body. Sesame seeds are high in fibre, which aids digestion and proper waste elimination from the intestines. They also contain phytate, an anticarcinogenic compound that significantly reduces the risk of colon cancer.

To enjoy the benefits of sesame seeds, incorporate them into your meals or use sesame oil when cooking. However, limiting your sesame intake is advisable if you have gout, as it contains high oxalate levels, which can worsen symptoms.

Takeaway Information

Breathe new life into gut health, energy levels by regular colon and digestive system cleansing.  Using herbs and spices is an affordable, safe, and straightforward method for detoxifying the body. A colon cleanse eliminates toxic waste and promotes its expulsion from the system. Improving digestion and revitalising the gut can yield positive overall health effects.  When the food you consume can be eliminated from the body quickly, excessive food can be processed without ‘bogging down’ your energy levels.

While there are numerous ways to cleanse the colon, many involve using strong laxatives. Incorporating common spices into your routine can be an effective solution if you prefer a gentler approach. Cleansing the colon with spices offers a safe alternative without adverse side effects.

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