
Fear or Phobia

TRTP – The Richards Trauma Therapy was created in 2013 by Judith Richards as a result of her recovery from extreme mental, and physical domestic violence. TRTP is unique, simple yet life-changing. It deals with the cause, not your symptoms, of your emotional past. Your symptoms may be: excessive drinking, eating, gambling; depression, stress, pro-longed anxiety; you may suffer from addictions or inability to sleep. There are many symptoms – but generally one cause: unresolved emotional events that have happened in your past! TRTP resolves them – generally in 3 sessions! Investigate More……

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I am NOT safe

Coping with Stressful Changes in Your Life

Change is inevitable. Just like taxes and death, it is sure to happen. So, choose to embrace the challenge and see it as an opportunity to do things differently. Whether its a job loss, a pandemic, moving house, or a child leaving home that is taking you out of your comfort zone, choose to see the change as a positive. What can you do now? Perhaps you always wanted to start a business? Trade online? Volunteer? Explore a new area or meet different people. Every change has hidden possibilities. Find them. Focus on the benefits not the negatives to live a stress free life.

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New Mindset gets different results

5 Ways to Reduce Mental Stress

Is the Joy of Life being sucked out of you? Do you become ‘consumed’ by the troubles of others? Our mental health and wellbeing is vital to living a joy filled life. When an environment becomes toxic, and you cannot change it, its time to leave. Your physical health will deteriorate if you succumb to mental stress.

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sucked dry emotionally = Mental stress

You Are Not Broken!

Our mental health is as fragile as an arm or a leg. It will bend and twist a certain amount. Legs absorb pressure when we jump and fall. But push the limits and they fracture. So to our Minds. Your Mind is flexible, it takes a lot of punishment, and if you get pushed to the limits too often, it may just crack. Like our bones need realigning so too do our Minds need to be rebalanced.

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Trauma can be physical or invisible! Physical trauma is seen, accepted and sympathised! Mental Trauma is the ‘invisible trauma’ often diagnosed as long term stress, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress(PTSD).  Mental Health trauma is a silent robber of the ‘Joy of Living’ and it can affect anyone.  It is invisible! Never forget to ask: R U OK?

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Where Are You Going?

You live your life ‘on purpose.’  Or Do you just live each day as it come?  When you are ‘winging’ each day, just going where the day takes you – You are living someone else’s dreams.  You will live your life feeling frustrated and unfulfilled!  Plan to Live Life on Purpose. You can have an extraordinary Life!

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Overcome Emotional Eating in 4 Easy Steps

If I told you that is possible to overcome emotional eating in 4 easy steps, would you believe me?  Possibly!  But more likely you were not aware that ’emotional eating’ is the reason that you are struggling to maintain a healthy weight.  So let me ask you: Do you feel like you have a never-ending

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