gastric banding

Prevent Overeating by Enjoying Food

Overeating is a national problem. In 2018 two out of three or 67% of Australian adults – that’s 12.5 Million adults – and 24% of our children were overweight. Something has to change!
Gastric Sleeve Surgeries have double in recent years and in reality all that does is ‘stop you over-eating!’ So isn’t it time to stop dieting and overeating.
Focusing on the critical drivers of eating – What, When, Why, How, and How Much we eat is essential to change our bad eating habits.
There are three drivers to overeating – what we eat; why we are eating? And how much we eat each day. Our health and weight will not change until we change our relationship to eating and take back control of our nutrition.

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To reduce weight you must eat less but more of the right food.

Overcome Emotional Eating in 4 Easy Steps

If I told you that is possible to overcome emotional eating in 4 easy steps, would you believe me?  Possibly!  But more likely you were not aware that ’emotional eating’ is the reason that you are struggling to maintain a healthy weight.  So let me ask you: Do you feel like you have a never-ending

Overcome Emotional Eating in 4 Easy Steps Read More »

Are Hormones and Stress Wrecking Your Diet?

Are you sick of ‘eating the right foods’; exercising yourself to death at the gym and worrying about your weight 24/7, only to jump on the scales on Monday morning to see you have put on even more weight! Maybe your hormones are wrecking your weight loss efforts!

Are Hormones and Stress Wrecking Your Diet? Read More »

Your perception is your reality

How do you think about yourself? Do you like what you see in the mirror? Our perception creates our reality! So if we ‘think’ we are a winner, we tend to have good luck! Whatever, we believe about ourself – who and what we are and stand for – becomes the foundation of both our identity and the life we live. Our thoughts created the reality that we live! We need to change our thoughts and perception about ourself, before anything changes.

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