
Diagnosed With Cancer

Cancer is a personal journey that starts with a cancer diagnosis. It is a harsh interruption to your life. Most often unexpected but always scary and brings with it a bag of mixed emotions. There are 5 stages that you will go through. Ask for help. Share with a friend. Every journey is personal and unique, and support helps you through.

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International Womens Day

Anger. What is it?

Anger gets such a bad rap! It’s described as negative, unproductive and you are a ‘bad’ person if you revert to anger to solve a problem. This is hog-wash! Anger encompasses everything from a mild irritation to intense rage and it is only when it gets out of control and intensely physical is anger dangerous to you and those around you. Releasing anger is good for you. We all need to ‘blow off steam’ when things build up. Anger is our way to deal with injustice, violation of our rights, protection of our young and loved ones. Anger is an emotion, neither good nor bad.

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Protective anger

The bright side of Covid-19

Covid-19 has unexpected benefits to health and family life, that most of us didn’t expect. Parents have more time to share with children, more time to exercise, extra cash (if you are working from home). Families are enjoying home-cooked meals and less ‘time stress’. Yes there are downside, but lets focus on the benefits from a moment.

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Where Are You Going?

You live your life ‘on purpose.’  Or Do you just live each day as it come?  When you are ‘winging’ each day, just going where the day takes you – You are living someone else’s dreams.  You will live your life feeling frustrated and unfulfilled!  Plan to Live Life on Purpose. You can have an extraordinary Life!

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Overcome Emotional Eating in 4 Easy Steps

If I told you that is possible to overcome emotional eating in 4 easy steps, would you believe me?  Possibly!  But more likely you were not aware that ’emotional eating’ is the reason that you are struggling to maintain a healthy weight.  So let me ask you: Do you feel like you have a never-ending

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Purpose – It’s All About You!

When you don’t know ‘why’ or do not have your values aligned with your Purpose, everything you do will be a low priority for you, and a high priority for someone else.  Simply said:  If you don’t know what you want, your day will be filled by creating satisfaction for someone else.  

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Do Affirmations Work?

Affirmations: To gain any lasting benefit, we have to repeat ‘the affirming mantra’ over and over and over again for a long period of time to effect any sort of permanent change.  The problem is We Don’t Believe What We are Saying and our sub-conscious mind tells what we are saying is Bulldust!

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What’s the Positive?

Do you get trapped in negative thinking! You focus on what went wrong, what didn’t happen! Sometimes, we forget to ‘count our blessings’ and realise that the challenges (negatives) in our lives, build our characters. We are Who we are, due to all the events, good and bad, who mould us! Learn to appreciate the gifts that arise from the challenges we encounter!

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