You eat the right foods, you eat small meals and you go to the gym 3 times a week – but the excess weight still won’t budge. What are you doing wrong? Are your hormones and stress wrecking your diet!
Signs and Symptoms
There are many signs that indicate a hormone imbalance is affecting not only your health but also your body fat and weight composition.
Muffin Top
Around 10 to 12% of women suffer from polycystic ovarian syndrome and this is usually accompanied by another hormone condition, insulin resistance. Often the first signal of this is ‘thinning of hair’. Insulin causes the body to store fat. Excess insulin will mean your body is grabbing every calorie it can to turn into fat and by doing so will halt ‘fat-burning’ no matter what exercise you may be doing. This is the result of overeating sugar. Solution: Cut out all sugars. Eat only 3 meals a day. Protein snacks between. Exercise, exercise, exercise.
Puffy ankles, fat on your back:
This can be an indication of thyroid problems. Often common during menopause or when big swings in hormone levels occur it is coupled with an increase in fat deposits on chest and back. Let your bra strap guide you here if you start feeling you need a bigger bra size, a visit to the Doctor for a Blood test is a simple way to test.
Thunder Thighs or buttocks:
This is often caused by too much estrogen or poor estrogen metabolism. Are you on the Pill or HRT? Speak to your GP. You will find simple changes to your diet will make a huge difference. Cut out alcohol, processed foods, dairy, and drink plenty of water.
Jelly Belly:
When too much cortisol is released, ‘jelly belly’ occurs. It is one of the most annoying problems of being overweight. Too much cortisol is directly related to stress. Cortisol is the ‘fight, flight, freeze‘ hormone and is produced when the person (or body) is under stress, increasing levels of fat and sugar in the bloodstream. When cortisol is released, do something ‘physical’ to burn up the fat and glucose. This will prevent fat storage. If you stress regularly, you will have excess abdominal fat stored. This is because abdominal fat has more cortisol receptors than other fat in the body. The solution is to find and manage the cause of the stress to balance out the hormones.
Virtual Gastric Band
Our Weight Loss hypnosis program resolves unconscious stress and eliminates traits that sabotage weight loss goals.
This is a brief outline of the sessions:
The first 2 sessions will seem they are nothing to do with weight loss. However, these sessions deal with the “cause” behind Your overeating resolving the self-sabotage and fears preventing you from being successful, slim, trim, and feeling terrific.
These are the sessions.
1 – Change your unconscious core beliefs and introduce you to the truth of who you are
2 – Take out the emotional charge, Remove the pain out of the past.
3 – Gastric Hypnotic Band – Start of Weight Release Program
4 – Weight Release Hypnotherapy – Follow up to Gastric Band – Aversion if necessary
Ongoing sessions (if required or desired) Focused on specific Weight Issues
If you would like more information click here to go to WeightLossTherapist