Do you celebrate your victories, or simply ignore the success and move on? Are you a positive or a negative thinker? I was enjoying the relative cool of the morning today and got to thinking about how our thinking and thought patterns can lead to or even increase stress and anxiety.
Negatives and Positives
It seems to me that as human beings we seem to think and dwell more on the negatives in our lives rather than focus on the positives or victories. With this kind of thinking like that, it is no wonder that any stress or anxiety that we do have is increased.
Reducing Stress
The answer to that question is yes and this has been proved over several experiments.
I’m not saying that you will reduce extreme stress and anxiety by thinking about the positives, but it will certainly reduce the severity of it. The levels of anxiety are increasing in all areas of society right now. Youth suicides, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse are becoming commonplace. These are all ‘symptoms’ of stress, anxiety, and depression. Something needs to change.