And the winner, the subconscious mind!!

subconsciousWhich is more powerful, your subconscious or your conscious mind?

How often do you find yourself consciously wanting to lose weight or to quit smoking but somehow whatever you do you can’t achieve it? No matter how much you want to you can’t succeed.

You find yourself eating healthy or stop smoking for a few days and then you go back to the old habits. You lose weight for a while and then you put it back on.

Subconscious Mind

The reason for this is that you are battling the subconscious mind. If you look at your mind you have a conscious and subconscious mind. If we were to compare these minds to what is in a room the conscious is about the size of a chair and the unconscious the size of the rest of the room.

In other words, the subconscious mind is bigger and more powerful than the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is always trying to keep you safe and in doing this it can come up with some bizarre things.

Most people start smoking to fit in as being part of a group often equates to safety and survival. The smoking habit tricks the subconscious into thinking that smoking is associated with safety and survival. That why trying to quit smoking can be very difficult.


You will be surprised how often being overweight is associated with safety. I had a lady come to me who desperately wanted to lose weight. No matter what she did she could not lose weight. When we looked at her past it was seen that she had been sexually abused. Her subconscious mind was trying to keep her safe by making her unattractive so that she would not be abused again.

Our habits, be they good or bad reside in the subconscious mind. If you want to change these habits it has to happen in the subconscious. This is where hypnosis can be very helpful and effective.

Unconscious Thoughts

The conscious mind is the questioning part of our mind. It is the part that questions and evaluates things. The unconscious is like a five-year-old and will accept suggestions. Hypnosis moves the conscious mind to one side allowing the therapist to give suggestions directly to the subconscious mind.  Changes are quick and effective.

Book Your Complimentary Session

When you want to break habits quickly and effectively, seriously consider hypnosis.  Take control of your whole mind and become a winner.

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