
Going Green Eco-Investing

Eco-investing is the new buzzword in financial circles. But buyer beware. Do your due dilligence as, like always, there are good and not-so-good ways to invest your money. Always keep in mind, there are more ways to support your environment than investing in development. The better the deal seems, the deeper one should investigate. Planting tree, living environmentally friendly will impact your environment every day, it is a safer option for most of us.

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green investment

Your Past is Your Key to Success

The foundation of our identity has been set by the time we are 7 years old. We absorbed everything, good or bad that happens. Everything we hear, see, feel or experience we believe is ‘about us!’ Our beliefs are based on these perceptions. That is scary. Imagine asking a 7 year old to make decision for your future. As we grow, these ‘unconscious beliefs’ determine how we view our world. Most are not true but influence us nonetheless. Its time to change. The key to success is facing the past, updating our beliefs and moving into the future with confidence and a new identity.

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Unconscious Core Beliefs (UCB’s)

Ever wondered where that ‘little annoying voice’ comes from! It’s your subconscious mind speaking to you! The words are your unconscious beliefs supporting you! Yes, the ones we notice most are negative. Your unconscious is trying to keep you safe. Most of these beliefs are not true! What do you believe to be true, that isn’t?

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Holding back

Holding back information is never a good idea, especially when trying to resolve mental health issues. Your subconscious mind is designed to keep you safe. If you are getting more benefits being ‘stuck’ than getting back your life, your subconscious mind will keep you stuck! Your therapist needs to know your secondary benefits so he can reframe your results.

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Everyone would love to live the perfect life! Lots of money, a lovely house, polite children, holidays in exotic places. Whenever you dream and imagine the perfect life your are comparing reality to fantasy! Dreams are motivators, but they need action to bring to realisty. Dreams and fantasies are not the place to live.

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