Dr Gabor Mate and Addiction

Addictions come in all shapes and sizes and can affect anyone. When you ‘can’t’ not do something, its a clue! Most of us associate addictions with anti-social behaviours, such as smoking, drugging, drinking, gambling etc and yes these are definitely high risk, highly publicised addictive behaviours. But addictions affect people in other areas. There is the person who overeats at each meal – sugar/fat/takeaways are addictive. Some people become addicted to work – work-a-holics! Others to gaming, a huge problem that has grown during Covid Lockdowns. People may become addicted to their health, to going to the gym, playing sport, walking, being busy! Anything that fills ‘the gap!’
So, what is underneath addictions: Very simply Pain! No matter what behaviour the person uses, it is to hide or run away from the pain they don’t want to feel.

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Habits Run Our Lives

Our habits, both good and bad, control what we do, and often how we do it. These habits have been formed from years of repetitively doing the same thing every day, in the same way, usually at the same time. Try cleaning your teeth with your non-dominant hand to see how ‘programmed’ we have all become. Our phone habits, computer habits are now dictating how we even wake in the morning. Think about it, what habits are controlling your life? Is it time to change a few?

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New habits take time to build

5 Signs of True Friendship

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you have a genuine friend, you are wealthy beyond words. Friends are precious! Treat them with care and respect. Be the best friend you can be to the people you know, love and respect. Having a true friend is better than all the anxiety medications in the world.

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What’s a Wrong Decision?

Failing to decide is equal to deciding to fail. Every day we are presented with choices: what to eat, to wear, to do; these are very basics. More important choices pop up unexpectedly, getting into the habit or being comfortable to make a snap decision (based on previous experiences) is an art and practice is the way to perfect it. Practice making quick decisions. Every decision can be corrected by another. Write down the pros and cons of life-changing decisions – anaylsis against your desired outcome. If it fits, go with it. Keep moving to get more out of life.

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Make a decision stop procrastinating

Gender is on a Spectrum

It is the little things that matter when you are ‘different!’ Whether it is because you are a bit quirky, overweight, loud, or simply born a little physically or mentally different – all you really want to be is accepted, respected and treated like everyone else. Its time for humanity to step up! Its time for everyone to be ‘respected!’

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Do You Value Money?

Values dictate your results. What you prioritise in your life is neither right nor wrong, it is simply something that you put a high value on attaining. You may be an avid saver or a shopaholic. A Mum passionate about her children and family or a career person – Values are individual. It is when life is ‘not working for you’ you feel stuck or constantly procrastinating, that you need to gain direction. A Values Determination will show you exactly why you are feeling so demotivated. When your Values are aligned with your daily life/career life simply flows from one success to another.

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Are Emotions Running Your Life

Are you always getting angry, bursting into tears, or seem to fixate or dwell on the ‘small things that go wrong? Your emotions may be running your life. When you are ‘out of balance’, when life feels too hard and you react emotionally, it’s time to stop and think… what’s really driving me and my decisions.

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emotions running your life

Going Green Eco-Investing

Eco-investing is the new buzzword in financial circles. But buyer beware. Do your due dilligence as, like always, there are good and not-so-good ways to invest your money. Always keep in mind, there are more ways to support your environment than investing in development. The better the deal seems, the deeper one should investigate. Planting tree, living environmentally friendly will impact your environment every day, it is a safer option for most of us.

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green investment

5 Ways to Reduce Mental Stress

Is the Joy of Life being sucked out of you? Do you become ‘consumed’ by the troubles of others? Our mental health and wellbeing is vital to living a joy filled life. When an environment becomes toxic, and you cannot change it, its time to leave. Your physical health will deteriorate if you succumb to mental stress.

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sucked dry emotionally = Mental stress

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